Thursday 23 June 2011

A Master Piece!

So I got this great frame for FREE at a garage sale and I thought what a fantastic size it is. I wanted to put the childrens' hand print in it to remember one of the very first Toddler Classes at our school. When we were done it looked awesome. So good infact that my Boss decided our art work should be hung in the front hall for all to see. Well that was very kind of her - but now I need something new for the classroom! LOL

I think that even the 'mistakes' look great. :)

Putting childrens' art work in frames makes the children feel special and appreciated - what they create is important!


  1. So true. Having kids' work up also means you can draw their attention to their own name written there, which is awesome for their pre-literacy. I use very young kids' own art a lot as a way of settling them when they're upset (after acknowledging what they're upset about, of course)- it seems to calm them to see their own work up on the wall.

  2. I love it when the children look at their work and discuss it amongst each other without prompting. You know they are taking pride in their wok!

  3. I am a great fan of framing children's artwork. It always looks so good, and it helps show that you value it. Thanks for linking up to Mini-Masterpieces on Artful Adventures.
