Wednesday 1 June 2011

We all have a voice!

There are times in a toddler classroom when we need to encourage children to use their voice - to communicate thier needs, however some children don't have the confidence to speak. They are still unsure of themselves and how they will be understood. Today we brought out a tape recorder to tape the voices of the children so they could hear themselves speak and to encourage those who don't speak - to speak. We will be continuing this exercise for awhile.

Listening intently to how the tape recorder will work.
                                    Listening to the teachers voice but not sure what to make of it.

                                                   Belting out a tune to record our voices.
                                            The reaction to hearing their voices was priceless!

The little boy in orange didn't want to speak into the mic at first, but as you can see he got right into it very quickly - when he saw his friends having so much fun!

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