Friday 22 July 2011

Clifford comes to visit

One of the best things that has happened to me in the past couple of years is, making connections with other preschool bloggers and facebook friends who happen to be Preschool teachers! I do however get jealous of the awesome bargains and cool school resources made available to teachers in the USA. One of those was the Kohls Cares for Kid Books and Plush Clifford toys. When I expressed my desire to have a Clifford toy my facebook friend Lori (fellow preschool teacher) offered to go shopping for me, and sent me a Clifford right away!

Here is our 'visit with Clifford'!
Here he is! The star of the show!
Clifford certainly brought smiles to our faces!

Some of us needed to warm up to him a bit first! :)

... But mostly smiles!


Making the rounds!

Mmmmm soft!

He's really here!

Of course we had to read some of Cliffords books.
These two are our favorites!
Then we wanted to make something to remember Cliffords visit!

Messy Fun!

Here is our finished product! :)

Preschool friends rock!

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