Thursday 14 July 2011

Special visitors

We had special visitors come to our classroom - Knights and a Princess! Great idea for the older children - 3 and up - but my toddlers didn't quite get it! LOL Thank goodness our visitors could improvise and simply hang out with the tots. I find that this happens a lot with the toddlers  - money is spent to entertain them and then after about 3 minutes they are losts in their own world. Not many people can keep a toddlers interest longer than a couple of minutes - even the pros! So I gotta pat myself on the back and give myself credit for being able to be someone who can keep their interest for the greater part of the day! :)
So a big shout out to all those Toddler teachers who can 'bring it' for those little ones day in and day out!

 Princess Ashley

... and the knights!

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