Sunday 25 September 2011

Classroom equipment

Often I look at catalogues and on line at the many educational toys and equipment that are available, and there are some that jump off the page telling me to buy them. Some are fantastic additions to the classroom and some are failures. Then there are a few that may take some time to get used to, because they do have their great qualities and may simply need the right child to use it. Finding success with some equipment is dependant on the age of the child and their developmental preparedness to use the equipment. When it's the right fit - then the equipment becomes a standard in the room.

This is a new addition to our classroom.
At this point I feel it's a good addition to the classroom.
It draws the childs attention and they stay involved - wanting to try the 3 different templates that come with the set. It's great for hand eye co-ordination - fine motor grasp / movement, supporting preprinting skills.

This equipment will give me some indication of right or left hand dominance - which in turn lets me know which hand to support during other activities such as using scissors.

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