Wednesday 28 September 2011

Colour activity

This colour activity has some fine motor and counting added in - I love activities that are adaptable for many uses! :)

I was looking for a snack last night and I found these year old tootsie rolls - yes I ate two and I am still alive LOL - then it came to me - this container would be great for the coloured game chips I bought at a garage sale for 10 cents. I also had some sticky tac paper I had bought at a garage sale for 50 cents.

So I covered the container.

Nice eh!

Then I needed to pop out the covering on the slit in the top!

See here?


I sorted all the chips I had and took out the coloured ones.

Then I put them together as a colour activity!

I called up each friend to find a specific colour and put it into our container.

They had a great time and did very well identifying the colours!
Later in the afternoon some of the children played with this independently, taking turns and identifying the colours!


  1. Great idea - simple yet effective for many skills! I love that it's always great for eye-hand coordination and can be used for color sorting or counting as well! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:
