Tuesday 6 September 2011

First Day of school - Starting with the basics

On the first day of school I like to allow for exploration and getting to know your classroom. I observe the goings on, so that I can take in what is important to the children, then I base my lessons on those interests. I watch to see what toys the children choose - what activities get the children involved and what allows for engaging with one another. I also look at things like gross motor and fine motor coordination - language skills and social skills. I know, that's a lot to take in, but I find that I am an observer of others in many settings, not just in the classroom, so for me these observations come naturally. When I have a mental picture of what I deem a decisive path to take with the group of children in my charge - the school year becomes fun and successful. These observations continue throughout the year and as the children grow - the activities take on new life and grow with the children . New challenges are presented and new interests develop. I simply love being a toddler teacher, because I see tremendous development in one school year. The children literally come in as infants and leave as 'little people' ready to take on new adventures with confidence.

It was awesome to welcome the returning children today and to meet the new children who joined our class. We only had two little boys show a few tears at the beginning of the day, which dissipated as soon as they got engaged in the exploits of the day. I look forward to what lays ahead for our awesome little group! It as a successful first day!

I was blessed to see so many great smiles today!


  1. I have my three little ones I watch grow as I am a SAHM and we are homeschooling. But I do miss working at the Montessori where I worked for several years. I worked with the preschool (3-5 yr olds) and the toddlers and the babies too.
    Smiles definitely make your day.
    Thanks for linking up at Tots and Me

  2. I'm now following your blog. Can't wait to stop by again.

  3. Aw thanks welcome and I hope you enjoy what I have to offer!
