Saturday 22 October 2011

The end of garage sale season? Perhaps!

So the day was a bit frosty - yet there were a few garage sales to be found. I did run into a few diehards. Thankfully! :) So here are my finds today!

We all know how useful icecube trays are!

Our favorite story!

Puzzle and book combined!

Lots of books n' videos!

All the above $3

Hot glue gun and a much needed door stop for my classroom door! $3

2 oversized wooden puzzles!

Wooden block set!

Love Caillou!

More books!

And the endearing Clifford!

Wooden box - love the graphics!

All the above $5

The topper - arrow heads found in my neighbourhood! We live in an area where indians once lived. A neighbour dug these up - 50 cents!

I also got a large plastic bin with a drain hole that I want to make into a watertable for outside - when I get to making it I will post pictures!


  1. Leeanne, I definitely need to come garage saling with you! I just bought the book Apple Farmer Annie at full price. I collect Native Pacific Northwest Indian stuff and that sure is a nice box you found with whales on it! It is fabulous!!! Great finds!

  2. Just stopping by from Quirky Momma to check out your arrowheads. You really raked in the goodies on your garage sale trip! I love garage sales!

  3. Thanks Ladies - I am addicted to garage sales - you should look at all my finds this year by clicking 'Garage Sale Finds'!You will be more than amazed! LOL
