Tuesday 15 November 2011

Felt Board Stories 2

Well I have made an extra effort his year to get out the felt board - to do lessons - tell stories - sing songs - and to do finger plays. The kids really absorb every moment of these activities - probably because it's visual and I tend to use funny voices and become quite expressive when presenting! :)

Here are a few examples of what I do.

I use pre-made sets - like Old McDonald!

Hand made sets I made for finger plays - but also work well on the felt board.

I printed up little cue cards for each since there are times I forget the words! :)

Then I have printed off some story images and props from other websites.

These have been successful and fun!

Then other peoples creative ideas have inspired me to make my own version of the props seen.

I have many more on hand and I hope to be inspired by the creative bloggers in the ECE world to make even more!


  1. Wow - these are great felt board story ideas!! Thanks for linking up!

  2. Felt board stories are always fun - and educational!

  3. This is one area that I need improvement in! I loved felt stories as a child, I need to get better at incorporating them into our curriculum. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Miss Timaree


  4. I was like that for a while - I had to get myself back into it! Now it's very successful - as long as I use it consistantly but not over do it! The kids do get bored if over used.
