Monday 28 November 2011

Real Life experiences!

Today during nap time we suddenly heard loud voices and saw flashing red lights on our walls. What could that be we wondered, as the children woke up one by one. As I opened the blinds to take a look, we saw 6 fire trucks outside of our window, and a couple of police cars! The children were shreaking 'Firetruck'! They were addressing an issue inside the building across our parking lot.I knew we must not be in any danger, as our alarms were not set off and no emergency crew came to evacuate us, so I allowed the children to watch the action from our safe vantage point! It was a very important situation for them to view. They got to see equipment being unloaded and loaded and the lights flashing and all the rescue personal in their complete uniforms. We discussed what they were wearing and why. Why the lights were flashing and why the police may be there to help the firefighters. As it turned out there was a dryer fire in one of the units. We have rehabs - doctors offices - dance studios etc. all whom may use dryers. Any way we had a free real life lesson in fire rescue.

While some of us were sleeping the excitement was happening just outside our window!

Not one firetruck....

...there were several!

We were safe and sound!

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