Monday 6 February 2012

Hand Made Paper Hearts

Today we created hand made paper hearts.

First we tore up our scrap paper into a bowl.

As much as you want.

This was actually fun for the tots!

Some little ones needed some instruction on how to tear up paper.

A handful of paper scraps into the blender with a cup of water.


It only takes a few seconds. Don't put in too much at one time - make this in small batches.

Dump into the bowl until you have the amount you want.

Some friends thought the blender was really loud.

Now put down a towel and some paper towel and dump on the paper pulp.

Place paper towel on top and press out some water.

Roll it all up and squeeze tight to drain excess water. You will get quite  bit.

 See what you have!

Make sure you get it all.

Press into any mold you may want to use.

Presto Our hearts!

It dried still full of colour!


  1. Love it! Thanks for linking up at my link party and I'm giving you a pin on Pinterest! I'm also following your blog.

    1. Great - welcome nice to have you here! Thanks!
