Sunday 18 March 2012

Wooden Mallets

DIY - Wooden Mallets

I don't know if you have ever priced wooden mallets for your musical instrument collection - but they can run anywhere from $20 to $30 for a small set - which can be used on things like xylophones - cymbals or small drums.
Well I am a very frugal teacher and most of my instruments have come from garage sales and thrift stores - the mallets usually missing. So on my time off this week I have been getting caught up on making and preparing resources for my classroom. Mallets have been on my to do list for a very long time. They got made today!

Dollar store dowels and garage sale find beads - $1.25

Beads hot glued onto the dowels.

Stop the dowel just before they come out the other side of the bead.
I varnished the dowels after - just because I was painting another DIY project.

A pringles tin = new mallet holder - covered in scrap booking paper.
When I find some ribbon it will go around the top. :)

Ready to use!


  1. I made something similar when I needed kid friendly hammers. :) I never thought of them as mallets! Genius...and cheap!

  2. i would have loved this idea for a workshop i just gave on 'frugal ideas' for the preschool! wow, and i love the pringles tin idea. (plus i love the excuse to eat a whole tin of pringles, lol).

    1. Keep your eye on my blog at all times StephanieI am all about being frugal but making quality resources and sourcing them as well! :)

  3. I love this! Frugal AND they look so professional! I will have to make some of these for our home play environment.

  4. Thanks April - I try to make my things look professional - it would drive me crazy if they looked sloppy! LOL I hope you do make some - hook up on FB and show us pictures when you have them done!
