Tuesday 25 October 2011

An Impromtu game of hockey!

An impromptu game of hockey broke out in our classroom today!
We were stuck inside because of drenching rain and a flooded playground. So what to do? Well sure I provided many suggestions, did some phonics practice, played a few games and read a few books, but the best ideas come from the kids. With dish brush and duster in hand, and a plastic scoop of ice cream for a ball - the game was on! It went on for at least an half hour - cooperatively and with great precision. Thankfully the other children were respectful enough not to interrupt the game. It went so well I may just sneak a couple of those small hockey sticks into the room! :)

Action shots! :)

Love the huggies peeking out the back!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like great fun. Kids can be so inventive. Thanks for linking up at Tots and Me.
