Monday 24 October 2011

Little Miss Liberty - Book Review

Little Miss Liberty
Author Chris Robertson

Today an adorable little girl arrived at my door, just in time to celebrate her 125th Birthday! Her name and title of the book written in her honour is, ‘Little Miss Liberty’. The story chronicling her life, in a wonderfully whimsical way, is a fun easy read, which is perfectly fit for all ages to enjoy.
We first meet Little Miss Liberty in Paris France, where she is born with a greenish hue and the ability to stand. She also grew so incredibly fast that her parents had to wrap her in a sheet, as she outgrew the clothing her parents provided for her. She was an insatiable reader who absorbed all knowledge. “Little Miss Liberty was a friend to all. She was especially kind to those who felt different or misunderstood, lonely or sad.” As the story continues Little Miss Liberty sets out on journey to find out where she belongs, as she had outgrown everything in her life, including Paris. Does she find such a place? Well we all know where she stands today. 
Little Miss Liberty is a story I would read again and again to the children in my charge, and there is plenty in here to open a discussion on knowledge, being different, belonging, independence …. Let’s just say this is a wonderful book to have in your library. There is plenty of opportunity to extend this story at home or in the classroom.
A special thank you to Chris Robertson, author and illustrator of 'Little Miss Liberty', for sending me your wonderful book to review!
 You can visit Little Miss Liberty on Chris' Facebook page for more information on the book and where to purchase a copy of your own! Be sure to look at the pictures Chris has provided of school/book store events, where Chris celebrates his book with his many followers.
Chronicle Books, Scholastic, Harcourt/Houghton Mifflin, KwiqApps

Available for purchase through iTunes for the iPad.

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