Although the garage sales are winding down I found some good deals!
A tote on wheels which holds a laptop and binders - although I could have used this in college the past 3 years, it will come in handy on days I have a lot to carry into the school. Who knows I may go back to college again as well! :) $4
Felt - I have a lot of projects to get done for my felt board - this will come n handy! $2
Woodies and patches - 50cents
Paint - lots of projects to complete - 50 cents each
More woodies and some ribbon - the basket was in the same bag - 50 cents
I use some woodies to replace puzzle pieces that are missing.
Books are a must have and I don't pass up the good ones that are cheap - 25 cents each
... more books - 25 cents each
Jesters hat - 25 cents
More dance music- 25 cents

Mini blender - so many uses! $2
I have so many Thomas the Train lovers in my class - $1
These drive on their own with a flip of a switch.

Cute poster for colour matching - 25 cents
In my opinion another great garage sale day - and the kiddies benefit!